نبذة عني

اكاديمية في جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز تخصص أسنان أطفال

هدفي ان يكون لي دور في بناء جيل نافع لبلده وأن أساهم في وقاية الأطفال من أمراض الفم والتقليل من حدوث التشوهات الخلقية


Bachelor of Science in Dental Medicine and Surgery with 2nd Honor Degree, 2000

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah

One year Internship  2000-2001


Master of Science in Pediatric Dentistry with 1st Honor Degree2007

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 2010


PhD, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK 2015



  • The 2nd international conference on Medical Genetics 15thto 17th Feb 2015

  • Annual meeting of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR) which will take place in Cape Town, June 23rd to 28th 2014

  • The 23 Annual postgraduate research student symposium, Dundee, UK, 2013

  • The 22nd Annual postgraduate research student symposium, Dundee, UK, 2012

  • The 21st Annual postgraduate research student symposium, Dundee, UK, 2012

  • The Third International Conference of King Abdulaziz University,2012.

  • 3rd Cleft and Palate Craniofacial Symposium, 2011

  • 22nd Saudi Dental Society International Dental conference 2011.

  • King Saud University 13th International Dental Conference & The 21st for Saudi Dental Society

  • 2nd International King Abdulaziz University and the 19th Saudi Dental Society Conference for Dental Technology & Research (27 credit hours, 2008).

  • E-Learning and E-Health Care "workshop". (6 credit hours, 2002).

  • Maximize Your Success in Endodontics. "Speed & Perfection" (2002).

  • Annual Meeting of Saudi Orthodontic Club (2001)

  • Advanced Dental Radiography and Radiological Interpretation. (3credit hours, 2001).

  • Routine Implant in the Dental Office. (24 credit hours, 2001).

  • Occlusion Consideration in Full Mouth Rehabilitation (2001).

  • Modern Concept in Management of Failed Restorations. (7credit hours, 2001).

  • Dental Management of Medically Compromised Patients. (10 hours credit, 2000).

  • Etiology, Diagnosis and Management of Face Asymmetry. (6 credit hours, 2000).

  • Using Superior Technology to Achieve Superior Results in Endodontics. (5 credit hours, 2000).

  • P.C Maintenance. (15 credit hours, 2000).



1st award for the best poster  The 8th international conference on genomics; China, 2013

1st award for the best oral presentation The 21st Annual postgraduate research student symposium, Dundee, UK, 2012

1st award for the best poster in2nd International King Abdulaziz University and the 19th Saudi Dental Society Conference for Dental Technology & Research

Award for the best research in the best research in clinical genetic in the 2nd international conference on Medical Genetics 15thto 17th Feb 2015


آخر تحديث
7/6/2015 5:45:56 AM

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